


​法国驻华大使白玉堂(Bertrand Lortholary)

西班牙驻华大使 拉法尔·德斯卡利亚尔(H.E. Mr. Rafael Dezcallar)

罗马尼亚驻华大使 康斯坦丁内斯库(H.E. Mr. Constantinescu Vasilica)

奥地利驻华大使 利肯(H.E. Mr. Andreas Riecken)



CEATEC at Europe Day Reception 

On May 9, the EU delegation to China held a reception for "Europe Day". Vice Foreign Minister of China Deng Li attended the reception and delivered a speech on China-EU relations, economic and trade exchanges and win-win cooperation. Mr. Yang Shuanchang, President of CEATEC-EUWC, attended the event and exchanged with ambassadors from many countries on China-EU economic and trade cooperation, promotion of geographical indications products between China and Europe and the Global Geographical Indications Products Expo. Mr. Wang Hongqian, Senior Consultant and Ms. Xue Yafei, Deputy Director of the Project Department, attended the event.


​法国驻华大使白玉堂(Bertrand Lortholary)

西班牙驻华大使 拉法尔·德斯卡利亚尔(H.E. Mr. Rafael Dezcallar)

罗马尼亚驻华大使 康斯坦丁内斯库(H.E. Mr. Constantinescu Vasilica)

奥地利驻华大使 利肯(H.E. Mr. Andreas Riecken)

Europe Day is a day to celebrate peace and unity in Europe. It consists of two anniversaries with completely different definitions: 5 May commemorating the founding of the Council of Europe, and 9 May commemorating the presentation of the European Union project. For the European Union, it is also known as Schuman Day, in honor of the day when French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman presented the Schuman Plan.